Eco Detectives is a project that aims to raise awareness about air quality and the enviroment around us. By empowering children to become 'eco detectives' and take a moment to take in what is around them we hope to help the next generation really rally around the enviromental problems we face.
How it works
The school taking part has a static air quality monitor installed for a period of time, this gives back data via an api that the school can investigate in their scients/STEM lessons, or the children can access directly from the website.
Alongside this teams of 4 detectives use a personal air quality monitor for the week on their journey to and from school. This allows them to see the current pollution levels around them at the press of a button and also provides data which can be downloaded at the end of the week and added to the eco detectives research.
Alongside thinking about air quality we encourage the kids to consider biodiversity and waste and document what they notice during their week as a detective.